Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jesus Christ. If that last post weren't so funny it would be depressing. Really, Squanto? You're gonna go all first contact nostalgia wise old Indian on me? I am the Baby Dexter to your Grandma Moses.

In my rabbit-clutching defense, I'll say this: it is not easy to find your soulmate among the five eligible Indian candidates in this world. That's why you've got to find out absolutely everything about them available on the internet, in print, or accessible via public records search before you let them know that you're out there. You know? I think if my tipi creeping ancestors had Google, they would've been all over this shit. Maybe not. Maybe this is all commentary on a sad state of affairs in Indian country mating and dating circles. (No, I didn't list them in reverse chronological order.) Carefully-constructed mantraps are the new thing. And no, that's not some weird plastic surgery procedure.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice

How appropriate that the first post be on the summer solstice. Tonto and I have decided to start a blog. I guess that would make me the Lone Ranger. We can go with that. Hopefully, this blog will someday entertain the masses with our tales of stalking and debauchery. Debauchery that is all to commonplace for someone of my advanced age. Tonto is twelve but the Glenn Close is strong with that one. I hope that I have played a role in that behavior.

I have no good stories to start off the blog. Perhaps Tonto can regale us with some (mis)adventures of being an obsessive baby Dexter. Happy summer solstice, the days only get shorter from here on out.